Tips for Implementing Video Into Your Marketing

Kevin GallgherIT Services, Uncategorized

YouTube has really begun to evolve and take over as the second most used search engine online.  With the ever growing phenomenon of Netflix and chill and binge watching of shows, people are starting to prefer to watch their information over reading it.
So how then, how should you implement video into your email marketing?

Here are some tips to remember:

  • Pick someone in your company that will be the face of your videos.  The wrong person speaking can have a negative effect.
  • When coming up with content for the videos, put yourself in your customers shoes and think about the most obvious things first.
  • Many people view videos without sound, make sure that your video has subtitles.
  • If you post the video, make sure it is view-able from the social media feed.  People will not click the link to watch the video.
Obviously this is not the most exhaustive list, but should give you some information to start your brainstorming sessions with.  Check out some of these great videos and publications below for some more stats and information!

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