Coronavirus Scan Updates

Kevin GallgherIT Services, Uncategorized


Did you know that cybersecurity complaints during the COVID pandemic have DOUBLED?! Some of these you may have seen already, but in many cases, digital scammers are bringing back some of the most popular scams that were used back in 2007-2008 during the market drop. In the first couple of months of COVID, there was $5 Million in consumer fraud scams.

Scams that You Should Be Aware Of:

  • Robodials – pretending to be government agencies and others.
  • Charity Scams – fake fundraising scams.
  • Fake COVID Supply Websites
  • World Health Org Email Phishing Scams
  • Malicious File Downloads – websites with downloadable PDFs that have helpful facts about the coronavirus when in reality are malware that gets onto your network.
  • Emotet (dangerous malware) is using the coronavirus as a way to get people to click links online and in emails.
Unfortunately, there are more and more companies choosing to keep their people working from home. Without oversight, the ease of an employee clicking or downloading malicious content is at its highest point. If you want ideas or to make a plan to protect your network, then we invite you to call us today.